Delray Care Physical Therapy

Strength Building Workout: Staying Strong at Any Age

Strength Building Workout

As we navigate through different stages of life, one constant remains crucial: maintaining physical strength. Not only does strength training enhance our health and vitality, but it also significantly improves our quality of life. Research shows that adults over 50 who engage in regular strength training have a staggering 46% lower risk of all-cause mortality … Read more

Mastering Mobility: Rotator Cuff Physical Therapy Exercises

Imagine your shoulder joint as nature’s engineering: a tennis ball balanced precariously on a golf tee. This very design, while offering an impressive range of motion, doesn’t come without its drawbacks. The stability of this ‘ball and socket’ joint hinges significantly on the muscles surrounding it, especially the rotator cuff, tasked with a monumental responsibility. … Read more